Everyone has a Story

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

~ Elbert Hubbard

Everyone has a story. Everyone has fought battles and went on to either claim victory or to learn. Some choose to be courageously vulnerable, using their stories to build up and encourage others. Their stories of conquering the odds become a source of inspiration, a beacon of light, an evidence to prove that impossible situations only serve to equip the overcomer.

We have partnered with over 50 successful people from around the world to speak and impact more than 32,000 lives. Most of these talks are hosted at university campuses. The talks are geared toward developing grit and resilience in university students to face their present challenges, inspiring them to envision and make plans for the future, and giving them the right tools to succeed in life and in the workplace.

Nick Vujicic’s China Tour

Jeremy Lin at HKU